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friday speedrun
Friday Speedrun


It’s not so much the “WHY?” as the “WHAT?” that matters most in markets. Keep your eyes peeled for good news / bad price setups.

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JPY and Cable

Taking profit on the USDJPY and looking for a way to get short GBPUSD for corporate month end.

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This looks like a good spot to fade the JPY move.

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Are stocks trading off Trump odds? Or is that just a coincidence?

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PMIs and Backtesting

A quick look at a recent rebound in a few measures of US business sentiment. And the perils of backtesting.

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State of the Markets

US goldilocks. China structurally weak. Election is Trump’s to lose or Kamala’s to win. BOJ slow playing hike. USDCAD near resistance. Vol likely to go up in August.

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“am/FX is a must read for everyone who wants to 
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John Mauldin, Chairman
Mauldin Economics

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